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Hello, I'm Tracy, the creator of Stella & Bear Jewelry. Artsy ever since I was little, I've always had a variety of artistic hobbies and without much effort, I've always been quite good them. My first love was drawing, my second was knitting, and the third was playing music. Add Jewelry design, writing, and sewing to that growing list and you have me.


I just like to make stuff. I like the process of learning about and making things, as well as the incredible feeling of accomplishment that comes from turning something out of nothing.


But first and foremost, I am a mom. I try to spend as much time as possible with my toddler girl and I really only have time to work on jewelry (or anything, really!) when she is asleep, which for some reason, isn't all that much. Working on Stella & Bear is so much fun, and I am learning as I go how to stay creative when there never seems to be enough time for that.

About me

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